Rwanda - Bean of the Week!

Another exciting coffee bean has landed! This Rwanda coffee is a lovely light coffee with flavours of raspberry & nectarine with a dark chocolate finish. It has a sweet taste with a medium acidity.
This bean comes from the Nyungwe farm. This small farm is overseen by Daniel Iryivuze with 5 full time staff the year round and around 60 seasonal staff during the harvest months.
The rich volcanic soil, sunshine and rain in this area is very productive for growing high quality coffee. Nestled in the hills surrounding the Nyungwe forest are the farms supplying coffee to Nyungwe. The Nyungwe natural forest leads to regular rain fall all year long, and with the high elevation, the region produces the best coffee cups from Rwanda.
This coffee can be brewed at home best by using a V60, Chemex, Clever Dripper or any other filter method. As it is a light coffee, this type of brewing is best!
Any questions on how to brew this tasty coffee at home, just send us a message 😃